Here’s a fun bit concern today: Which irritating coworker practices have you experienced over the years? Which are your least favorite? Do you believe any type of of them are going to be gone for great (for one reason or another) thanks to the modifications over the last few years?
For my $.02, a few of the irritating coworker practices that stand apart in my mind include:
The Loud, Bombastic Talker. When I got my very first office of my extremely own, the man in the office next door was much senior to me, as well as his work included a ton of extremely essential Calls. I understand this since he had a practice of taking them on speakerphone, shouting at the top of his lungs like a frat bro in a congested bar at 2 a.m. We had an open door culture, as well — as well as after a while I discovered that if I needed to get focused, intense work done, I had to reserve a seminar room, work from home, or work after he’d left for the day.

The drama Llama. Do you ever have a buddy who stops by for a “quick bit hello” at your desk as well as after three minutes gets into an hour-long story that needs your full attention? typically with some variation of drama that has been going on for a loooong time such as an on-again, off-again connection or a household squabble? It’s particularly funny to me since looking back, every person I’ve understood such as this has no rate of interest in being your buddy when you modification workplaces. (A few of these people influenced our discussion on exactly how to deal with chatty coworkers.)
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The “Too essential for fundamental Self-Care.” one more coworker practice I’ve seen a few times: the person who feels so essential that they will not take care of themselves in fundamental ways. This is the person who concerns work ill and/or is back in the office working once again the day after major surgery. The person who is up all night perfecting things that… most likely would’ve been much better corrected after a few hours sleep. The person who can’t be bothered to eat lunch on hectic days, however then turns into the worst version of Themselves after they get hangry.
(On the flip side, I have no issues with untidy coworkers — as long as it doesn’t prolong to my/public areas — as well as I’m typically the person who can stand to work with the challenging coworker, whether it’s a dude who believes he’s The next huge Thing, or the actually fantastic manager who throws solidify tantrums.)

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What are a few of the most irritating coworker practices you’ve seen, readers? Which are your least favorite? (Stories, please!!!)
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